Friday, October 24, 2008

kawan walaupon kite berdiri xsame tinggi duduk xsame rendah....tapi ngat lah aku tetap kawanmu...hahahahahhahahhaha
kowg sentiasa istimewa dimate ku...eheh tapi aku tetap comey r...(,")

aku,dia dan kamu

Kawan...kat mane2 pon leh carik dan jumpe....tapi malangnye nak mencari kawan sejati amat sukar....kadang2 kite rase kite dah jumpe...tapi kite silap..mereka berkawan hanye utk kepentingan mereka sendiri tanpe memikirkan perasaan owg laen...urm,manusia en rambut je same hitam tapi aty laen2....(da moral baek kwn ngn owg yg rambut nye berwarne...atau botak en senang)


nie gambar kawan2 aku mse nyh dowg xmumaiz ag...hehehhe

nie lak mase aku tadika...huh,time nyh aku comey dow....nak tau mane aku??carik r sendiri

nie pic klas time form 3hemah...

Dalam kesibukkan kite mengejar cita2 dan kite bersaing mencari kekasih rupa2nye kite tak perasan bahawa masih ada lagi insan yang masih mementingkan&sayangkan sebuah persahabatan....

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Friendship is an in-depth relationship...Friends are comfortable and relaxed.Friendship requires meeting the needs of both friends.It is an in depth relationship combining trust,support,communication,loyalty,understanding,empathy and intimacy.....

Pada tanggal 19 january 07,aku telah declare ngn adeq angkat aku....
sejak pada tu.....dy telah byk mengubah aku....aku syg giler kat dy...kitowg mmg rapat sgt2...
kitowg slalu share prob and anythng...lagipon aku xde adeq...senok sgt kerna aku ada dy...
kitowg slalu together...tapi malangnye.....kebahagian tu xkekal lame..
semakin hari kitwog makin berjauhan...dah la jauh,nak contact lagi r susah nak mampos...
tapi xpe....dlu dy penah ckp yang setiap perhubungan pasti ada keajaiban.....dan aku yakin yang aku n dy akn together mcm dlu balik...hopefully r...
yg benar,
aku yg menghargai perhubungan....

There is no season for you my friend,because our friendship will never be the last......
I hope that our friendship will last for eternity,as your the kind of person...I always want close to me.....spidey

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Our feelings for each other are entwined
A better friend I could never find
I always enjoy the thing we do together
when done with you they are always better

cfs iium pj.....
ict students 08/09 smk aminuddin baki,kl
students form5 07

Tahi hidung melambangkan persahabtan...semakin dalam kite korek semakin dalam la persahabatan,majukanlah kegiatan mengorek tahi hidung tu..demi persahabatan kite

  1. kawan menyeronokkan...

  2. berkawan utk mencari kegembiraan

  3. erti sebuah persahabatan amat bermakna kpd sesape yang memahaminye..

  4. oleh itu,cari lah kawan yg baek agar kite dapat mengikutinye...

  5. luv u my friends


specially dedicated to my S.A.B and CFS IIUM friends...

you're my frenz,my companion,through good times and bad my friend,my buddy,through happy and sad,beside me you stand,beside me you walk,you're there to listen,to talk,with happiness,with smiles,with pain and tears,I know u'll be there,throughout the years!you're all good friends to me and I am grateful to you

To me,the most important thing in life is.....friends!you can't live without them.As they say friends may come and go but to me it's the ones that stay that make your life a better place to live in........

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Monday, October 6, 2008

A true friend is someone you can disagree with and still remain friend....if not they we are not true friend in the first place